
All posts tagged denmark

John Mayer finished European leg of tour 10-26-13

Published October 30, 2013 by ChasingJohnMayer

John Mayer played the last of his shows in Europe for this leg of the tour on October 26, 2013 @ Wembley Arena in London (I sure hope he crossed Abbey Road while in London.  Crossing over should be done on every trip to London and if he had told us we could have watched it live on my “Abbey Road Cam App”.  That would have been nifty!) The show was sold out as just about every other show in Europe had been!  What a rush that must be!  I wonder if he wakes up and says to himself, “so what’s playing in front of 20,000 people, no big deal!) But seriously, does John Mayer or any other “big time” celebrity for that matter get stage fright? I practically pee my pants when singing in a bar in front of 30 people. I just cannot even imagine…Sorry to go off in a different direction on you.  Back to the here and now,  I’m guessing he’s back in NYC or maybe he took an extended holiday abroad, who knows. Whatever his plans he has a bit of time off from touring until 11/19 when he’ll resume the Born and Raised Tour in Moline, IL. He has been pushing so hard for so long he definitely deserves a bit of a break! He’s certainly put his all into his performances. Now lets hope he takes some time to let his voice and body rest. Without a doubt he’s earned it!

Now I’m going to let you in on a thought I had about this European tour.  You can feel free to leave me a comment; let me know if you agree or maybe you think I’m off my bloody rocker.  Did anyone else notice that our precious and adored John Mayer’s appearance seemed to change for Europe?  He seemed to have a nice little hair trim and lost his headband and brought back a lot of flannel!  OK, I do not have a problem or issue with any of these things, but just wondered if I was imagining things.  We saw that head band (or one very similar)  in every show in the US except the Hollywood Bowl just before he left.  And another thing which is heading off topic slightly, but not,  what happened to that little medicine pouch JM wore for the first month or so?  He wore it for every show including our first 2 or 3 and then :poof: never saw it again.  Back to where I was originally heading.   My thoughts was, “Did Mr. Mayer’s PR people encourage him to change his image back to his youthful days for the trip to Europe?”  He looks great either way, but was someone worried they weren’t ready for John’s newer more bohemian fashion sense in Europe?   Hell, they’re much more laid back than we are here in the US and I took notice several months ago that many of those shows were sold out completely very early.  I wouldn’t have thought appearance would be a concern.

I’m not going to list all the set lists from the shows in Europe since most shows continue to be the same songs. (good for the prevention of my hissy fits! lol) JM does continue to change up a few songs at each show the way he has all the way through the tour thus far. Even brought out a few we haven’t heard yet like Blues Run the Game by Jackson Frank, I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen & Buckets of Rain by Bob Dylan (VERY COOL). He also threw in a few of his own that we rarely get to hear: Daughters, No Such Thing, and Walt Grace(I’M SO DAMN JEALOUS, I LOVE WALT GRACE!!!!!) After perusing the social media sites for all hashtags pertinient to John Mayer I’d think it’s safe to say, “Europe loves John Mayer as much as we do here in the US! And why shouldn’t they? He’s John Fucking Mayer for Christ’s sake!!!!   Who wouldn’t love him?!?!

John Mayer snipit from 10-15-13 in Denmark

Published October 16, 2013 by ChasingJohnMayer

I borrowed this from John Mayer’s Instagram. Looks like he got a hair cut & lost the bandana for his European tour. He looks so young again!!!!! I love it!!!

John Mayer’s birthday tomorrow & set list from last night 10-15-13 in Denmark

Published October 15, 2013 by ChasingJohnMayer

October 15, 2013 was John Mayer’s first show in Europe for the Born & Raised tour in Herning, Denmark. Currently, it’s around 3am there so the show was actually yesterday. And to get totally off track here, do you know what October 16th is? That’s right, today in Denmark or tomorrow in the US is JM’s 36th birthday!!!!!! I’m still trying to figure out how we’re going to celebrate tomorrow & what can we possibly give John Mayer for a birthday gift????

Ok, back to task here. The set list is up for the Herning show. You’ll see it posted below. You’ll also see it isn’t much different than most of John’s other shows this tour! He did play “Belief” & “No Such Thing” neither of which I got to see on our multiple show run, but all the rest we did see live & all were fantastic! I have no doubt this show was nothing less than amazing!

Here’s your setlist. While you’re perusing think about what you’d get John Mayer for his 36th birthday tomorrow & let us know! I personally am intrigued by the idea of what fans might send him if it were possible. Me? I’m considering a copy of all his different albums so he can remember some of his other songs!?!?! :X
Oh that wasn’t nice was it? Well it was a joke, because it doesn’t matter what he plays he’s always unbelievably incredible!!!!!! I hope I’m forgiven!


I’m so jealous of the fans in Frederiksberg, Denmark that are going to get to spend your birthday with you!!!!!  Hope you all have a smashing day!

Set List from 10-15-13 Herning, Denmark
1. Queen of California
2. Wildfire
3. Goin Down the Road
4. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
5. Half of my Heart
6. Waiting on the Day
7. Belief
8. Born & Raised
9. Neon
10. Free Falling
11. Something Like Olivia
12. Paper Doll
13. Dear Marie
14. Who Says
15. If I ever Get Around to Living
16. No Such Thing
17. Why Georgia
18. Age of Worry
19. Gravity